Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to replace files in Sharepoint Solution wsp file

  1. Change the .wsp extension to .cab ( eg. mySol.wsp to )
  2. Open with winzip and Extract to a directory eg. c:\kopperla\Ext
  3. Repace the files that you want to change.
  4. Download Microsoft Cabinet Software Development Kit (cabdsk.exe) from
  5. Run cabdsk.exe and extract the files to a folder eg. c:\koppela\cabdsk
  6. From the command prompt cd c:\kopperla\cabdsk\bin
  7. Run the following command
  8. cabarc -r -p -P "kopperla\Ext\\" n mySol.wsp c:\kopperla\Ext\*.*
  9. The new solution mySol.wsp is created in c:\kopperla\cabsk\bin directory.

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